Committee on Legal Affairs
The first main direction of the Legal Committee is this legislative activity. Within the framework of the legislative activity, the draft laws planned by the Association of Managers are presented, as well as the issues worked on by the Legal Affairs Committee. The novelty of the Association of Managers in this regard is that we have written for the first time what the strategic goal of the committee should be in relation to a specific direction.
The strategic goal of the legislative case is to provide an effective legislative response to the challenges facing the Association of Managers in order to refine it and, if necessary, apply international best practices.
Also consider the candidates for the Board of Directors of the Committee, who are selected by the Association of Managers and where the Committee on Legal Affairs is the lead.
The main direction of the Legal Committee is the function of committee control, which provides support for reforms and also, facilitates the implementation of the Association’s decision.
The functions of the committee also include taking care of the professional development of the Association of Managers. Provide educational projects (trainings, seminars) in the field of the Association of Managers.
In addition, it will develop bills, proposals, recommendations on the issues of managers, which will be submitted to the chairman of the association and board members.
Organizes forums, workshops and conferences in coordination with the Chairman of the Association and the staff.
Develops draft public announcements for the Executive Board on issues related to the scope of the Committee’s activities. Analyzes local and international practices, conducts research.